Purpose of Study: To show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan. Center It: God is a God of justice who desires the service of genuine love and genuine loyalty. We can win the battle with evil through His Son Jesus Christ. Know It Mark It: Source of Evil 1. Genesis 1 “Good” texts (4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31)
2. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-39 esp 27, 39 3. Luke 13:10-16 4. Luke 10:17-18 5. Ezekiel 28: 11-18 6. Isaiah 14:12-14
Thrust of Evil 7. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 8. Revelation 13:1-4 (w/ 12:9) 9. Revelation 13,14 “Worship” texts
10. Matthew 4:9
Cosmic Battle over you
11. 1 Peter 5:8
12. Revelation 12:7-9 13. 1 John 4:3,4
Share It: Source of Evil - a personal angelic rebellion against God 1. Genesis 1:1-4 According to verse 4, God saw that it was what? Good. The word “good” occurs 7 times in this chapter alone; 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31. When God made the world it was good. Since God made everything in the beginning good, what happened?
2. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-39 esp 28, 39
(Parable: a simple story that illustrates a larger spiritual meaning)
Did Jesus take any responsibility for the bad seed? No, He said, “An enemy has done this.” DEVIL
3. Luke 13:10-16 Did Jesus take any responsibility for the state of this woman? No, He said, “Whom Satan has bound.” Satan = enemy, adversary Who is the devil? Who is Satan?
4. Luke 10:17-18 Where did this enemy come from? Heaven.
Does the Bible tell us anything more about Satan? Yes, there are two primary references in the OT that show us behind the curtain or backstage.
5. Ezekiel 28:11-18
King of Tyre was an earthly, evil man. In this symbolic vision, God takes Ezekiel behind the scenes of the King of Tyre’s life to see who was controlling him, which was Satan. We know it is talking about Satan because it says he was in Eden, and he was the seal of perfection.
“Perfect” is used three times (12, 12, 15) - He was created perfect
14 - “anointed cherub who covers” - sanctuary language. The OT sanctuary consisted of three parts: courtyard, Holy Place, Most Holy Place. In the MHP there was a box, inside were the 10 command- ments, the box had a lid, on the lid were two angel figurines that symbolize the angels that stand be- side God in heaven. By saying the “anointed cherub who covers” God was telling Ezekiel that this angel dwelt in the immediate presence of God’s throne.
15 - Iniquity was found in you
17 - Does God take any responsibility for this corruption? No, he says, “Your heart, You, You, You.”
Does the Bible tell us anything more about how this change happened?
6. Isaiah14:12-14
“Lucifer” = morning star
13 - “I” is the foundation of sIn, sin originated in self-seeking. Lucifer wanted to be more than what God had appointed him to be.
12 - How did Lucifer become Satan? He fell.
*Show all 11 references to upward motion: ascend, Heaven, exalt, above, stars, mount, North, as- cend, heights, clouds, high. Satan says, 11 times, I want to go up. “Sit on the mount of congrega- tion” = I want to sit on God’s throne.
Sides of the North-Psalm 48:2
The Bible fingers a personal angelic rebellion against God as the origin of evil and suffering.
*Illustration: Let me illustrate how this happened. Some people say, “Why did God create this being if He knew he would rebel?” Imagine if a gunman were to come into this auditorium right now and tell us all to stand up or we would be killed, we would stand. If he told us to spin around and bark like dogs, we would spin and bark, etc. What if that same gunman pointed that same gun at you and said, “I want you to love me with all your heart or I will kill you.” Could you love him? No, be- cause love and loyalty cannot be forced. No one can love on command. On your wedding day, “I do” is so important and beautiful because, “I don’t” is an option. God created Lucifer with free will, the ability to choose to serve, to choose to love, to choose to be loyal or to choose not to.
Thrust of Evil - Satan wants that which he never deserves, the worship that is due only to God
7. 2Thessalonians2:1-4The figure revealed in verses 3,4 is what the Bible calls,“the antichrist.” Don’t get confused or overwhelmed by this mention of the antichrist because we will have a whole study on it, but just notice that the antichrist acts a lot like Satan. 4 - What does he do - Exalts himself Who does he pretend to be? God Why? The longing desire of Satan’s rebellious heart is to receive worship and honor which he is not due. The text here says that he will do it through this antichrist figure.
Revelation 13 is the antichrist chapter in the book of Revelation. Let’s go there and see more about this antichrist and his role.
Symbolic representation of the antichrist himself.
8. Revelation13:1-4(12:9 Dragon is Satan) the way that the dragon is worshipped is by people worshipping the beast. The antichrist is Satan’s frontman to receive worship.
*Illustration: Would anyone worship the devil as the devil? Only a few. Does the devil know that? Yes. So the devil has to receive worship by deception.
9. Revelation13:4,8,12,15;14:7,9,11“Worship”These two chapters are the pivotal chapters for Christians living in the end times and worship seems to be the center.
Let’s see how badly Satan wants to be worshipped.
10.Matthew 4:9 - Matthew 4:1-11 is the devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness
The created asks the creator to worship him.
The real issue of the problem of evil is not death, disease, murder, rape, etc. these are all symp- toms of the real issue: the conflict between God and Satan over who is the rightful ruler of the world.
*If evil could be explained it could be excused.
Cosmic Battle over you
Eden-to-Eden Genesis 1,2 --> Revelation 21,22
Genesis 1,2: Perfect God, in perfect communion with a perfect people in a perfect environment. Revelation 21,22: Perfect God, in perfect communion with a perfect people in a perfect environment. All that is in between is God trying to bring His people back to perfection. Revelation 22:4 “They shall see His face.” Adam and Eve saw His face in the first Eden, God will bring back that face-to-face communication.
Cosmic Battle over you
11. 1 Peter 5:8 The devil is playing for keeps
12 Revelation 12:7-9 The forces of evil are fighting the forces of righteousness. This battle is raging over the lives of men and women on this earth. This battle is raging over you!
13. 1 John 4:4 Christ has overcome the world and the forces of evil for us. We must rely on Him to keep us safe from the devil/satan.
Appeal: Based on what we’ve learned today, God’s question for you is, do you want to be turned from darkness to light, do you want your eyes to be opened, do you want the forgiveness of sins so you can be with Him for eternity?