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Signs of the Times

Jesus desires us to understand what is going on in the world and not be surprised when things get worse.

Know It Mark It: We are to be Watching

1. Revelation 16:15 2. Matthew 24:42-44 3. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6

Watching for What?

4. Matthew 24:1-3

5. Matthew24:4-7

Haven't we Always Had These Things?

6. Matthew24:32-33 7. Matthew24:8

The Details 8. Matthew24:4-5,11,24(FalseChrist'sandProphets)(2Corinthians11:13-15)

9. Matthew24:7(Wars,Famines,Pestilences,Earthquakes) 10. Matthew 24:12 (Lawlessness will be everywhere) 11. Matthew 24:37 12. Genesis 6:5,11

The Last Sign 13. Matthew 24:14 14. Appeal: Matthew 24:33

Share It: Coming Quickly

Watch Therefore -

  1. Revelation 16:15 He says to watch because He is coming. So we are to be watching for this. Does that mean we just look up into the sky and watch for Him or does this have a deeper meaning?

  2. Matthew 24:42-44 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6 ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Watching for What? 4. Matthew 24:1-3 They really asked 2 questions, even though they thought they were asking only one. They thought that something as bad as he destruction of the temple had to be the end of the world. So tell us “when shall these things be” the destruction of the temple, “and what shall be the signs of thy coming and the end of the world” the end of everything. 5. Matthew24:4-7 First thing Jesus warns about is being deceived concerning the events leading up to His second coming. Then He gives a description of the signs and as these things are happening says “but the end is not yet”. Have we not always had all these things? Yes, and Jesus knew that.

Haven't we Always Had These Things? 6. Matthew24:32-33-Like a fig tree. When it is at a certain stage of bloom, then you know that it will soon be summer. Then there is the other illustration. 7. Matthew24:8-The word sorrows as translated in the King James Bible does not catch the meaning of what the original Greek is saying here. The Greek word is odin and is better translated as birth pains. G5604 (ōdin) - o-deen’ a pang or throe, especially of childbirth: - pain, sorrow, travail. Interesting statement! In other words Jesus says it will get worse and worse until it finally ends. As you see the “contractions” get closer and more intense then you know it is near.

The Details 8. Matthew24:4-5,11,24(FalseChrist'sandProphets)(2Corinthians11:15) Jesus said there would be an increase as time grew short. We are seeing that! 9. Matthew24:7(Wars,Famines,Pestilences,Earthquakes) Wars - 15 Million + in WW1 “The War to End all Wars” Then 55 Million+ in WW2 There have been estimated to be more deaths in the 20th century from war than all previous combined. (Jesus said it would get worse before it gets better!) Famines - 800 million people go hungry each year. Between 40 and 60 million people starve to death each year, many of them children. That means between 110,000 and 165,000 people die per day of starvation. Pestilences - Covid-19 is not the only pestilence that has ended up in the headlines in recent years. Ebola, MRSA, AIDS, hanta virus and COVID-19 have also risen from obscurity to well-known status in recent years. Diverse places all over the globe have seen one or more of these viruses. This current outbreak is just another pestilence among many. Earthquakes - According to long-term records (since about 1900), we expect about 17 major earthquakes (7.0 - 7.9) and one great earthquake (8.0 or above) in any given year. (Statement from USGS web site) 10. Matthew 24:12 (Lawlessness will be everywhere) 11. Matthew 24:37 (Just like in the days of Noah) 12. Genesis 6:5,11 The problem with the antediluvians were their thoughts and actions were evil continually.

Appeal: 13. Matthew 24:14 This is being fulfilled. How did Jesus know that this would go into all the world. That was a big task! Today with TV, radio, computers, and mass transit this is being accomplished! 14. Matthew 24:33 The signs are fast fulfilling and Jesus told us to be watching and ready. How do we do that? We will be learning as we progress through these studies.

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